
This was the best family photo we could get.
This was a BIG week for Cole. He is 10 months,
he FINALLY started crawling and got his 1st tooth.
Good job buddy!

Yes, my 2 year old has to wear makeup almost every day.
She usually does it herself but Maddie did it very special for thanksgiving.
The food was amazing!!!!
BELOW: Val's brother Bryan and his wife Sally, and my family

This is Cali's new obsession. She threw a fit at the store because she wanted olives. So I bought them and she didn't eat them because they are "disgusting". She just wanted to put them on her fingers. Typical!


Myers Family said...

yes definitely we should have a play date. anytime we have a very open schedule. call me.

Kelly and Bryce said...

Love the olives fettish! How does she learn these things?!

Wildings said...

Looks like a good Thanksgiving! That's funny Hadley has the same fetish right now, but she'd eat the whole can if I let her!

Dave and Shelby said...

Hi friend,
Kevin's bite is so funny!!! I will have to tell dave. He is always looking for a fight. Your blog is so cute!!! I am so excited to see you THursday. I told Amy we need to go to dinner and she said she is in. See you soon....
XOXO Shelby
p.s. Your kids might be the cutest kids ever....