
sO sO sIcK!
RsV uPdAtE
tHiS hAs bEeN tHe sAddEsT WeEk eVeR. wE hAvE BeEn tO ThE dR. 3 tImEs aNd EaCh tImE tHeRe iS sOmEtHiNg nEw. We hAvE tO Do BrEaThInG tReAtMeNtS eVeRy 4 hOuRs, aNd lAsT nIgHt wE fOuNd oUt hE hAs aN eAr iNfEcTiOn. He hAd a FeVeR aNd WaS sO mIsErAbLe, aNd nOw wE kNoW wHy. sO nOw hE iS oN aNtIbIoTiCs aNd Is DoInG a LiTtLe bEtTeR. wE aRe JuSt lUcKy hE iSn'T iN tHe HoSpItAl. yOu cAn'T tEll iN tHiS pIcTuRe bUt hE iS sMiLiNg :) bY tHe wAy ThAtS a FiSh oN hIs fAcE aNd iT's a LiTtLe tOo bIg FoR hIm. eVeN tHoUgH hE hAs bEeN sO sIcK hE sTiLl sMiLeS aLL tHe tImE :)


Suzie said...

BUMMER! Poor little guy! At least he still has a sense of humor!

The Genta Family said...

I'm so sorry about your little one. I hope he feels better soon. We missed you on thursday. XO

Cammi said...

I'm sorry - that is so sad!!! :(

Lula. said...

That is so sad. We had to do that with Cason back in January...I seriously felt like we lived at the doctor's office. Good luck...and so sorry to hear about the mouse poop!

georgeandmarie said...

That sucks he is so so sick!! But too true that he didn't have to go to the hospital!! You are very lucky!! Its so hard to keep them from getting sick when you have another little one. And we even bring the germs on when we go out! Its so sad!! Glad to hear he is still doing good and is happy! Kawika had his first dual ear infections and once he was on the antibiotics for a day he was so much better! Hope its downhill from here on out!!

Wildings said...

That's so sad he got RSV, I'm sorry!

Kristi F. said...

Poor guy! Even being so sick, he still looks so cute! I hate having sick babies, you just feel so bad for them! I hope he is feeling better soon!

Elisa said...

Oh Jen! I'm so sorry! It's horrible when they are sick and there's nothing you can do! I hope he gets better fast!

Megan said...

Oh my goodness, poor little guy! Atleast he's at home though and not in the hospital!! Breathing treatments suck! My little one has to do them sometimes but she won't hold still so I pretty much just chase her around and aim the thing at her face!