
jUsT a FeW tHiNgS...
I'm looking for a new carseat for Cole because he is now 23 lbs. and if I have to carry him in his infant carseat one more time i'm pretty sure it's going to break, and break my arm. So anyway, I saw a cheap cosco one at Target. Has anyone used that one?
I went to Target today and some of you may know I have to ground myself from that dang store or else I spend so much money. Well... I am so proud of myself because probabily for the 1st time ever I only spent $21! And it wasn't even anything fun either. I had to get fabric softener and a few other things that have to do with cleaning.
My 2 year old is controlling my life. (that sounds like something that could be on a talk show:) It's not a new thing so i'm pretty use to it now, but today she did the most amazing thing. I was in my room folding laundry and had to keep getting up every 5 minutes and putting different movies on for her, finally she settled down when I told her if she is not going to take a nap then she has to have "quiet time". About 10 minutes later she yelled "Mom! get me my tinkerbell book!" i said "it's in the family room right by you" she said "NO!" so of course I went in there and she said "Mom, i'ts right here" and pointed to the floor right by the couch where she was laying. Wow! isn't that amazing that she is only 2 and already knows how to be lazy! and bossy! I said "Here you go Queen, but it was right by you and you could have gotten it all by yourself" she said "Yeah!" but I still had to get it for her!
Something that I am so EXCITED about. Our pediatrition told me that I can start giving Cole whole milk instead of formula. That is going to be so nice. I know he is only 9 months but he weighs more than a 2 year old. Gotta love him!
Last night we had Family Home Evening. I was Quizing Cali on the god head and she knew it. Then I asked her who the prophet was and she said "Obama". So I guess we need to have FHE more and stop watching so much T.V.! She also said she is going to vote for Obama. It's funny because we are not really Obama fans but for some reason she is! Then I watched the news this morning and they were saying that when people were voting they went around and asked the little kids who they wanted to vote for and every single kid said Obama. Maybe his name is easier to remember, Oh and also it's probabily because every other commercial has Obama in it!


j e s s i e said...

Tate does the same thing. He will tell me he is thirsty and I will tell him to get it himself. He get's all upset because He doesn't want to get up. So, today I got so sick of his attitude that I took all of his toys and put them in garbage bags and put them outside. He has to earn them back one by one! Now who's ruling the house? =) I've got him wrapped around my finger. Although I had to call Cole to make sure I wasn't traumatizing him. He was shaking because he was crying so hard.

jEn said...

that is so funny Jess! thats a good idea. ya gotta do what ya gotta do! whats up with these lazy kids?

Wildings said...

That is hilarious! Hadley does the same thing! She'll say to me "momma get it" and it will be right next her! Such little princesses!

jarv said...

I don't know how you carry a 23 lb kid and a car seat. I tried to carry my 8 lb kid in the car seat into the dr. today and I parked really far away, I'm ashamed to admit I had to stop for a second to rest because my arm was killing me. Maybe I should go to the gym!!!

Jen and Rob said...

looks like Cole and Hazen are gonna have to wrestle for the heavyweight division champion

Tuttles said...

I know how you feel carrying a heavy baby around! Mason was huge!

Melissa said...

I am totally loving your stories- cuz I can relate to everything!! Don't we just love being mommy's?!