
Robert John Graduated!!!
Go OHS!!!
Robbie is so old! It was so CRAZY and a little emotional to see my little brother graduate.

Doesn't he look so HANDSOME?

Today Rob turned 19!
He is the cutest Uncle ever and LOVES Cali and Cole and they LOVE him too.
Rob has AMAZING style! I thought I would share a few of my favorites.

1: Plunger Boy?
2: Cow boy. Going to the Sadie Hawkins dance.
3: Chill
4: Sunday best
5: Olympic Gold Medalist
AHHH! I love my brother!!!
There are a lot more but I didn't have them all. Maybe if you are lucky i'll post more later.


Tuttles said...

He is such a cutie! I love that Orem High has you walk through this ginormous golden O...

gina bina said...

He is a handsome guy! I can't believe he has graduated...makes me feel a little old.

Oh and Tuttles...walking through that giant golden "O" is a true right of passage ;).

Unknown said...

I love Rob. What a stud. I still remember him as a baby. He was the cutest baby I'd ever seen.

j e s s i e said...

I love all the sweet outfits!

It is crazy that he has graduated. I remember when we where all little and lived over in that same ward. Time does fly!

Amy Jensen said...

I can't believe he is old enough to be graduating HS! He is so dang cute too. I love all of "his" looks.

Casey said...

Good man, good man! We are due for a bowling and burrito date

The Crew said...

That is so cool! How fun:) I just remember him when he was lil, it's just reminds me how OLD we are!!!!
That pic of Cole in his sissies pjs is so silly! I always put the girls in Coli's pjs!